The power of women is truly amazing. This painting is the depiction of the strength of women and how they a can empower their families, their communities, one another, and herself. The woman is staring off to the side to her community/family unit, as depicted in the figures to the right. She is the image of strength, tradition, and love for all not only Haudenosaunee women but all women around the world. Her strength comes from herself, and it is guided by the Creator. The Creator is watching over us and is always there to give us strength in times of need, in times of pain, and in times of happiness and joy. Her energy resinates outward in all directions. Her energy is sent and returned back to her by the Creator to give her more strength and love to give out to her family, community, and herself.

The power of women is truly amazing. This painting is the depiction of the strength of women and how they a can empower their families, their communities, one another, and herself. The woman is staring off to the side to her community/family unit, as depicted in the figures to the right. She is the image of strength, tradition, and love for all not only Haudenosaunee women but all women around the world. Her strength comes from herself, and it is guided by the Creator. The Creator is watching over us and is always there to give us strength in times of need, in times of pain, and in times of happiness and joy. Her energy resinates outward in all directions. Her energy is sent and returned back to her by the Creator to give her more strength and love to give out to her family, community, and herself.